Friday, July 6, 2007

Evan Almighty (2007)

So the message of the film is that, in the face of global climate change, we should listen to the crazy politician whose decisions are based on conversations he's had with God.

Thanks, but no thanks.

God awful.


Stan said...

Since when did you start watching films of this sort my friend? Okay, okay, I'll admit I saw Transformers last week so maybe we're both de-evolving. BTW, look for my review of Transformers in your local garbage dump.

Sam Goldberg said...

What on Earth were you expecting from Evan Almighty? Its like being surprised that Transformers had little more then quick cuts and explosions.

Andrew said...

Damn, Sam, you've ruined my review of Transformers. I'll have to write instead about License to Wed's failure to fully grapple with debates about the role of religion in contemporary society.